Bringing to the table more than twenty years of professional experience in the running world, Michael has developed RUNstrong® in order to teach you (the runner, the coach) what you need to know about strength & conditioning, self-care, injury prevention, injury rehabilitation, and foundational health. Designed specifically for runners and running coaches RUNstrong® is a unique healthcare perspective on running performance.
Injury rates do not need to be as high as they are, and it is possible to reach your full potential and stay healthy. The RUNstrong® platform will teach you how to do so through courses, videos, articles, and personal virtual services.
Just think about the possibilities: a lot fewer injuries and a lot more running. This stuff matters – because the best coaching and the best workouts in the world mean nothing if you are injured. Injury rates can plummet sharply and performance can improve rapidly as you adopt Michael’s methodologies and strategies.
Why play all the guessing games trying to figure out what may work when Michael has already determined what does work? Why risk your health when you could be building solid foundational health for performance?